If you are keeping a planted tank which is ready for welcoming fish, you might consider betta fish as your new mate. The relation between aquatic plants and fish is quite complicated, but don’t worry. This article is simple enough for anyone to understand. So, are you ready to satisfy
Virtual Aquascape Gallery No. 2 Bonsai Style Wabikusa Arrangement
Plants Wabikusa 6.5φ (Rotala sp. ‘Nanjean’, Hygrophila polysperma , Brazilian pennywort, etc), Ficus vaccinioides, Atrichum undulatum
Virtual Aquascape Gallery No. 1 Full ADA & DOOA Aquaterrarium
SPECS ① ADA Solar I ②DOOA Wabikusa Wall 60 ③DOOA NEO GLASS TERRA H36 ④ADA Cube Cabinet Clear for W60×D30 ⑤ADA Super Jet Filter ES-150 ⑥ADA Woodbase Board W60×D30