Philodendron sp. ‘Papua New Guinea’ is a type of climbing plant that emerges from the water. Its roots are usually submerged in water, while the stems and leaves extend above the water surface. Although Philodendron sp. can also grow in an aquatic environment, in this article, I will be discussing the cultivation of Philodendron sp. that emerge in an open-style aquascape. There are numerous benefits to creating a land area in your aquascape, which you should definitely know about!
1. Helpful for keeping the water clean

Plants rely on their root system to constantly provide nutrients and dissolved minerals to the stems and leaves. In Nature Aquarium style aquascapes, fish excrements are the main source of nutrients, and they are often filtered artificially by canister filters. However, by growing Philodendron sp. emerged, the water can also be filtered through the plant’s root system. Philodendron sp. can be grown without any substrate system, as it can be attached to driftwood using a string or glue.

2. Brilliant Appearance
Philodendron sp. is a very decorative plant. Choosing plants for the land areas of open-style aquascape is not as easy as choosing aquatic plants. Since Philodendron sp. can add a very natural flavour to your scape, it can be a good choice.

3. Easy to Cultivate
Philodendron sp. is known as one of the easiest plants to cultivate in aquarium tanks. While in most cases, growing aquatic plants emerged requires appropriate humidity, Philodendron sp. is capable of living in a relatively dry environment (50% humidity).
Also, it doesn’t need strong lighting system. Usually, room light is enough for Philodendron sp. to grow. Therefore, just by sticking the root in a cup filled with water, it can be a great interior plant.
Currently, I am using Philodendron sp. emerged in my ADA 60P aquascape. Check these out ↓for more details about how it was created!